
Register To Vote

You can confirm if you are on the preliminary list of electors for the Ottawa municipal election on October 24, 2022, by confirming your information using the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) registration tool You can confirm or update your electoral information, or add an elector name to an address. 

Check to See if You Are On the City of Ottawa’s Voters List 

Voter notification letters will be mailed to all eligible electors that appear on the Voters List the week of Monday, August 29, 2022. 

From Thursday, September 1 to Friday, September 16, 2022, you can verify and amend your information by using the online “Am I on the Voters’ List?” tool on the City of Ottawa Elections website

If you cannot use the online tool, you can also verify your information by 

  • Calling 311; or
  • Calling the Elections Ottawa Office at 613-580-2660

The deadline to make an application to add or amend your information to the Voters List is Monday, October 24, 2022. 

Ways to Vote

There are 3 ways to vote in the upcoming Ottawa municipal election on Monday, October 24, 2022: 

  • Voting in-person on Special Advance Vote Days, Advance Vote Days, and on Voting Days
  • Voting by special mail-in ballot 
  • Voting by proxy in Special Advance Vote Days, Advance Vote Days, and on Voting Days